Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Kick Off

Music Plus Books
Ready to kick start the Unearthly Radical Read-Along? If you haven't joined yet, there's still a bit of time. If you already have the book, perfect, if you've already read it, read it again and if you don't have a copy, let me know and I'll see if I can get you an e-copy.

Just a reminder to all the participants if you've forgotten what to read each day. Also, two challenge hosts have been added! Each day, you'll have another chance to win an e-copy of Hallowed, the second book in the series. The only exception is that on the 29th, you can win $15 worth of any book on the Book Depository thanks to Angelica! YAY!  Each day, once you've posted you're discussion post, come back to any of the hosts' blogs (Krystianna from Downright Dystopian, Jenna from Rather Be Reading YA and me) to add your link to the linky. Visit the other blogs and discuss!

The schedule:
Thursday July 25: Kick Off. Read 4 chapters.
Friday July 26: Read 5 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 1. Visit my blog for the Cover Remake challenge.
Saturday July 27: Read 4 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 2. Visit Downright Dystopian for the Dream Cast challenge.
Sunday July 28: Read 5 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 3. Visit Oops! I Read A Book Again for the Team Wars challenge. 
Monday July 29: Read 4 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 4. Visit Paperback Princess for the Poem challenge.
Tuesday July 30: Discussion posts for Day 5. Wrap-up and review! Visit Rather Be Reading YA for the Review challenge.

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