Saturday, July 6, 2013

Discussion: Song Vs. Artist

A different kind of post today. I'll try to keep it short, simple and straight to the point. As the title says, today, I'd like to discuss song vs. artist. If you love a particular artist, will that affect your opinion of the song? If you hate a particular artist, would you be less inclined to listen to it? With all the media, celebrity artist can easily get into scandals. They could tweet or post something on Facebook that you completely disagree with. Artists might post things that you think is funny or something you can relate to. What I'm wondering though is, do you let this affect your opinion? I wish I could say that I judge songs solely on the songs. I'd be lying if I said that though. I have to admit that if a band has a cute member or someone I think has a fun online personality, I'd be more bias towards their song. It goes the other way around too. If I don't like a particular artist, I'd enjoy their song less. The song itself definitely impacts what I think about it, so I guess the real question is: Do you let who the artist is change your opinion of the song? Song vs. artist? I'm artist.
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