Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Day 5 Discussion

Music Plus Books
So it's the last day with the last chapters and I'm so sad! I had a wonderful experience with this Read-Along and I'm glad I could discuss with all you lovely people.

In the last few chapters of Unearthly, lot’s of bombshells were dropped. I really liked it when Clara decided to go save Tucker first. I was having a major swoon moment because I’m Team Tucker for life. About a page or two before it actually happened, I realised that Christian was an angel too. I had a face palm moment because I have no idea how I didn't notice earlier! Then when they came and Clara’s like “Show yourself!” and I’m just like OMG IT'S TRUE! Know, I just need to know what happens between them. I swear, it's such a coincidence that so many angels live in the one place. I actually really liked how it all ended. I kind of don’t want to read the next book because I liked it so much. The problem is that there’s so many mysteries left unsolved. I only like the ending because she’s with Tucker and I don’t want that to change. I might go find spoilers to make sure she ends up with Tucker before I read the next book.

Today, for the final challenge, head on over to Rather Be Reading YA for the Review challenge. All you have to do is write a review and you have a chance (a big chance) to win your very own e-copy of Hallowed. My review will be going up as soon as possible. Hopefully tomorrow! Also, I've extended the time for the Cover Remake & Dream Cast challenges which means you still have time to enter them!
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