Sunday, July 28, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Day 3 Discussion

Music Plus Books
It's getting closer and closer to the end! Yesterday Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 were read and today I'm here with the discussion post. Remember to read chapters 14-18 today!

Chapter 10 starts off with Wendy and Clara making up. I don't know, I just really think that deep down she's some evil ass. She's probably actually really nice, she just seem TOO nice to me. When Kay broke up with Christian I was laughing so hard because Kay took it so badly. How she rubbed up against Jeffrey and Clara's just like "Wow. Original. Now get off my brother, please." I almost felt bad for Kay, ALMOST. At the end of this chapter, she has another flying lesson. I wonder if she'll ever get there. I felt so bad for her though *frowns*. Then after that, when Clara, Angela, Wendy and Clara's mum were shopping and they bumped into the Black Wing. I was so worried about what was going to happen to them! When Clara built up her courage and asked Christian to prom, I was really proud of her. Except, I don't want her to be Christian! I want her to be with Tucker! Waaaahh. I was kind of glad when Tucker drove her home but I feel like he could have tried harder to win her heart. During the prom, Clara also mentioned going hiking. Maybe it's a connection to forest fire in her visions? Then Clara and Christian started hanging out more and I mean I'm not against them or anything I just really wish Tucker would try harder. It was nice how she finally learned to fly though. I was so proud of her!

Today's challenge can be found on  Oops! I Read A Book Again where all you have to do is let Dianne know which team your on for your chance to win an e-copy of Hallowed, the second book in the series. I think it's pretty safe to say, and pretty obvious that I'm 100% Team Tucker!
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