Monday, July 15, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Sign Ups

Are you ready to get excited? Krystianna from Downright Dystopian, Jenna from Rather Be Reading YA and I are going to be hosting a Read-Along for Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. Welcome to the first Radical Read-Along! Haven't read Unearthly? Well what better time than now? Already read Unearthly? Read it again! There are going to be set chapters that we and you, because you are going to join, will be reading each day of the read-along. Then, the next day, write up a discussion post, video, update etc. You can put all your discussions in one post if you like but remember to separate them. Throughout the read-along we will also be hosting challenges! You have multiple chances to win the next book in the series. We still need people who can host a challenge so drop me an email or direct message on Twitter if you'd like to.


Here's the schedule if any of that way confusing for you.
Thursday July 25: Kick Off. Read 4 chapters.
Friday July 26: Read 5 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 1. Visit my blog for the Cover Remake challenge.
Saturday July 27: Read 4 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 2. Visit Downright Dystopian for the Dream Cast challenge.
Sunday July 28: Read 5 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 3. Need a challenge host.
Monday July 29: Read 4 chapters. Discussion posts for Day 4. Need a challenge host.
Tuesday July 30: Discussion posts for Day 5. Wrap-up and review! Visit Rather Be Reading YA for the Review challenge.

You don't need to have a blog to enter but make sure you make a post, tweet, YouTube video, Goodreads update or something just to say that you're going to be participating. Then you can do your discussions there as well. When tweeting, make sure to include #rreadalong. Don't forget to grab the button as well.

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