Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review: Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead

Gameboard of the Gods Richelle MeadIn a futuristic world nearly destroyed by religious extremists, Justin March lives in exile after failing in his job as an investigator of religious groups and supernatural claims. But Justin is given a second chance when Mae Koskinen comes to bring him back to the Republic of United North America (RUNA). Raised in an aristocratic caste, Mae is now a member of the military’s most elite and terrifying tier, a soldier with enhanced reflexes and skills.
When Justin and Mae are assigned to work together to solve a string of ritualistic murders, they soon realize that their discoveries have exposed them to terrible danger. As their investigation races forward, unknown enemies and powers greater than they can imagine are gathering in the shadows, ready to reclaim the world in which humans are merely game pieces on their board.

Who loved the Vampire Academy series? I of course did and so when I saw that Richelle Mead wrote another book, I jumped on it immediately. Gameboard of the Gods is a new Adult Fiction novel, the first one in the Age of X series. I'd give this book a 4.5 STARS. The problems are minor and I feel as though they wouldn't be problems for most people. Continue reading for more details about the characters, what I loved and what I didn't.
Gameboard of the Gods is written in three point of views. Justin, Mae and Tessa. Justin had the classic 'douche' personality but I still loved him. Mae is a praetorian, a job where she has to murder. Hence, she is a very cold character. At times, I got pretty annoyed at her because she was always so stubborn. In this book, I felt as though Tessa was left out a lot. I have a feeling that she'll be a lot more involved in the sequels though. The characters were all very interesting.
I absolutely adored the intense mystery, built up suspense and intriguing premises. The world-building was slow and understandable even though the story it self was face paced. The story's three perspective writing allowed heaps and heaps of dramatic irony. Sometimes it was unbearable but it made the story that much better. The story was scary, haunting and almost Gothic at times with all the religious themes. I also loved the chapter names because they really foreshadowed what the chapter would be about. The flashbacks were also a nice addition. Most importantly, I was happy with the ending. It left me satisfied but wanting to read the next book.
Sometimes the story got a little bit confusing but in the end, I connected all the dots. Like I said before, I really hated Mae's character at times. The only other con is that for me, sometimes the writing got really boring. Most of it was fast but at times it really slowed down.
This book is titled perfectly. I definitely recommend it. I think that not everyone who enjoyed Vampire Academy will enjoy Gameboard of the Gods but I still think it's a good book. Also, I'm just noting that there is sex which is why it's an Adult book and not Young Adult. It's not excessive though so don't worry. Thank you to Penguin for sending me a review copy of this book.

Buy Gameboard of the Gods on the Book Depository
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