Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stacking The Shelves #2: Pivot Point + Thy Will Be Done

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted on Tynga's Reviews. Basically you share what books you acquired that week whether it be physical or digital. All info here.

Last week, I had a massive book haul to show but like I said, that means I probably wouldn't have much anymore. I haven't had time to go to the library this week so if I do, tomorrow or in the following days, I'll include those books in my next Stacking The Shelves. Honestly though, my reading list has grown extensively and I'll have way too much to read for a long time. So today, I have a very little haul for you guys. Just two books. One I received for review and one I got the e-book for because I couldn't find it on my library's catalog. The e-book I downloaded was Pivot Point and it's for the Book BFFs group. I'm super excited!

For Review
Thy Will Be Done
by Julie Fisher

Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)

Pivot Point 
by Kasie West
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