Friday, July 19, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #11: Reading Spot

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Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
Click here for more info!

Q: Where is the best destination reading spot for you? 

Other than at home I really don't read anywhere else. My perfect destination would be at a beach or a nice park. Really though, the only other place I read that's not at home is on the train and I wouldn't really consider that the best destination read spot. My comfy couch or bed is perfect enough for me.

Just making sure that you guys have checked out the Unearthly Radical Read-Along that I'm hosting with Krystianna from Downright Dystopian and Jenna from Rather Be Reading YA. Haven't read? Read it now! Already have? Re-read! Sign up now here: Radical Read-Along Sign Ups. Thanks guys, the more the merrier! Also don't forget to enter my current giveaway for Cynthia Hand's Unearthly so that you can win and read it for the Read-Along. Enter here: Giveaway.

As you might've expected, I appreciate all followers no matter how you want to follow. All my links can be found in the FF button. They are also in sidebar or in my header. Drop your links in the comments because I'd love to return the favour. I hope you can check out my other posts as well.Thanks guys, have a wonderful weekend!
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