Monday, July 29, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Day 4 Discussion

Music Plus Books
So close to the end now. Today is the last day of reading! Yesterday I read Chapter 14-18 and today will be for 19-22 and then we're done! OMG! Tomorrow, I'll be posting both the Day 5 Discussion the the final review.

These five chapters were probably my absolute favourite so far. I have yet to see the last four but I'm hoping it has a nice ending. I've made it pretty clear that I am Team Tucker for life so of course I adored yesterday's chapters. So much happened between them. First, they started getting closer because of her birthday. Then when they kissed I was like OMG SWOOON. I swear it was so so cute that I couldn't take it. But then, it ended because she went into glory mode and I was so sad. But then, she told him and it was all okay again. It was so sweet how Tucker took it. It was all going well until Christian called and then like what the hell, Clara's mum tells her to break it off with Tucker?! AND THEN they actually break up?! I was super extremely devastated. I mean I know all good things must come to an end, but why?! Also, Angela came back and started talking about the Black Wings and all. There's something definitely really fishy going on with her. In these chapters, my favourite quote/scene was:
"Is it okay to kiss you?" he asks.
"I won't get struck by lightning?"
I laugh. Then lean in to brush my lips against his. His hands on my waist tighten.
"No lightning," I say

Today's challenge should be hosted on Paperback Princess. Honestly though, I'm not sure. Angelica hasn't replied to my email and she hasn't been participating in the discussion so I really don't think she'll be hosting it. Check out her blog and check for it anyway. If not, just for fun, you can do the Acrostic Poem challenge. That was what she was going to host if she didn't.

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