Monday, July 8, 2013

Once Upon a Read-A-Thon: Goals + Progress + Challenges

The fourth annual Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is hosted by Candace at Candace’s Book Blog, Angela & Loretta at Reading Angels and Lori at Pure Imagination.

Being the lazy person I am, this time, I'm combining my goals, progress and challenges all in one post. Even though I joined a bit late, I'm still super excited.

Since this is a short read-a-thon, my goal is 3 books, one of them being an audiobook. I was already a couple pages in Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker and I want to try to finish this months TBR by finishing Walking Disasteby Jamie McGuire and Crash by Nicole Williams.

Continue reading to see my progress and my challenges.

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 120
Pages read today: 120
Minutes listened so far: 130 [82 pages]
Minutes listened today: 130 [82 pages]
Percentage of current book: Ten Tiny Breaths - 50%
                                             Walking Disaster - 19%
Challenges completed:
Commented on video.
1. Which book you are most excited to read in the coming year? It can be already released or coming soon.
This was easy for me. I'm super duper excited for Allegiant by Veronica Roth because, who isn't?
2. Which book would you re-read if you had the time and weren't so busy reading ALL of the other good things?
I don't usually re-read boos but since it said 'weren't so busy reading ALL of the other good things', I would re-read The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay because it's probably my favourite book ever.
3. If you could meet any fictional character who would it be and why?
I probably have the strangest choice but I'd love to meet Ridley from the Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia. If anyone has read it, you know that she's a b*tch but still, she's interesting.

Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 251
Pages read today: 131
Minutes listened so far: 503 [317 pages]
Minutes listened today: 373 [235 pages]
Percentage of current book: Walking Disaster - 73%
Challenges completed:
You're in a bookstore and you've just purchased 5 books you've been dying to read, when the apocalypse hits. You've got one chance at survival, what 2 books do you take and what 3 other items do you take?
Two books that I have being dying to read and would definitely bring with me are Shift by Em Baily and Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. As for the three other things, I'd bring a gun a gun because obviously, and my mum (mom, however you silly Americans want to spell it) because I love her, and I'd bring my pantry. I can bring my pantry right? 
Make your dream guy using characteristics, personalities, looks, and anything else you can think of from your favorite book boyfriends.
First my cheesy answer is, I don't know what my dream guy is because I haven't met him yet. But my second answer, all cheesiness aside, is... I want, from The Hunger Games, Peter's baking skills. From Hopeless, Holden's sense of humour. From, Legend, Day's intelligence, diligence, and his race because his part Asian.

Books completed so far: 3
Pages read so far: 466
Pages read today: 215
Minutes listened so far: 685 [433 pages]
Minutes listened today: 182 [116 pages]
Percentage of current book: ---
Challenges completed:
Entered with the Rafflecopter widget.
Favorite genre right now is YA/NA Contemporary Romance but it changes all the time.
Favorite book from YA/NA Contemporary Romance would be The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay.
I don't usually have favourite characters but I'd say Beth from Dare You To.

Wrap Up
I normally do my wrap ups in a whole different post but I figured this is probably a whole lot simpler. I had a slow start but I'm proud that I read 3 books in 3 days. All these read-a-thons are making me break a whole lot of records. It's barely a third of the month and I've already finished this month's TBR. In total, I read 899 pages if you convert my audiobook into pages. That's basically 300 pages a day. I'm lucky I'm holidays right now or I would've never been able to read that much. The challenges were also super fun. Since I live in Australia, the Twitter thingo isn't until Thursday. As I'm writing this, it's almost midnight Wednesday. I plan on participating though. Overall, a super fun experience.

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