Sunday, June 30, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Wrap Up

Wow. That was a super crazy four days. I had so much fun participating in the Debut-A-Thon. I met new people, followed amazing blogs and read like I've never read before. I loved hosting some of the challenges and working with the beautiful Amber. At first, my goal was to read 2 books. I'm super glad that I ended up reading 3 instead. On the last day, I really pushed myself to finish reading the book and read 399 pages that day. Since I don't have school today, I stayed up super late last night reading. In total I read 884 pages. I'd love to know how everyone else went so don't forget to drop me your links in the comments. I'll check it out and follow you as well. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as debutathoners.
Check out the posts I've done associated with the Debut-A-Thon.

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Debut-A-Thon: Solve That Debut Challenge

It's already the final day. Challenge #4 in a series of four. Unbelievable. The last last challenge is hosted on Amber's blog. It can be found here. Basically you're given a short description of a book and you have to work out which 2013 debut it is. Up for grabs is Bot Wars and Altered. Sounds fun? It is but it's so hard. Spent ages going through Goodreads. Because I'm a part of hosting the mini-challenges, I'm not officially entering but I decided I'd do the challenge anyway since it sounded fun. Highlight to see the answers. Don't cheat though!

1. The Nightmare Affair - Mindee Arnett
2. I couldn't find this one. :(
3. In the After - Demitria Lunetta
4. I couldn't find this one either. :'(
5. Pretty Girl-13 - Liz Coley 

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Review: Firestarter by Samantha Jade

Firestarter Samantha Jade

Genres: Pop, Electro-Pop, Dance-Pop, R&B
Released: 28 June 2013
℗ 2013 Sony Music Entertainment Australia Pty Ltd.

It's pretty much the end of the month and I should probably be doing my end of the month posts or reading for the Debut-A-Thon but instead, I'm going to review Firestarter by Samantha Jade. It was released yesterday and is already climbing up Australia's Top 10 on iTunes. Samantha Jade was the winner of X Factor for 2012. I was super excited for her new single and of course, I love it. A wonderful Electronic-Pop, Dance song that makes sure the party's in the house.
This song was produced by the same people who produced her previous single What You've Done To Me. I think it's a wonderful choice. If your first single reached #1 why not do the same for the second? I absolutely love the feel this song gives. It starts of with a catchy vibe that stays around in the background for the whole song. It may seem a bit repetitive but it sounds really cool. I love how extra beats are added for the lead up to the chorus. Closer to the end of the song, the tempo slows down and this really added a nice ballady touch to the song before it went electro-pop again.
Of course any song about fire is going to have a whole heap of symbolism. I really like the lyrics for this song. I can't be 100% but I pretty sure Samantha wrote them herself as well. My favourite lyrics in this song have to be:
"There you are like a flame thrown to my heart, yeah, yeah
Got the things that I need to make it start, oh, oh!
You're the flame thrower
You're the firestarter!"
Australia being the silly country it is, means that this song probably won't get far in the US. However, you never know what might happen. Aussie Guy Sebastion managed to get into the US charts. Either way, I'm quite sure this song will reach #1 here in Australia. It deserves it too because it really is a wonderful song. Check it out and have a listen!

Buy on iTunes

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Debut-A-Thon: Poemify That Debut Challenge

Poemify That Debut
This is Challenge #3 out of 4 and the last one I'm hosting on my blog for the Debut-A-Thon. Basically, it's all in the title. You have to make an acrostic poem from the title of the debut you're currently reading. One winner will win:
- Your choice of any YA debut e-book.
- Your choice of any e-book.
Make sure you're signed up to the Debut-A-Thon here. You have 24 hours to complete this hopefully fun and not to hard challenge. Just post your song and book in a post on your blog/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook/Goodreads etc. Drop your link in a comment and that's it, you're entered! Like yesterday's the winner will be chosen through If you win, I'll contact you through whatever you used to enter. Let me know if there are any problems. Good luck to all that entered the past giveaways!

I'm currently reading Reboot by Amy Tintera. I made my poem fit the premise of the book but yours doesn't have to. It can be about anything you'd like. It can be a one word per letter poem. Have fun and don't stress.

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29 Juni 2013
Metallica ke Jakarta Bulan Agustus?

Sejak kamis malam (27/6), di jejaring sosial Twitter dan Path ramai beredar gosip Metallica bakal manggung di jakarta. Apa benarkah?

Tidak ada yang tau kebenarannya. Pasalnya, sebuah poster bergambar Metallica dengan tanggal 25 Agustus 2013 dan tulisan Gelora Bung Karno merambat sangat cepat. Ada dua logo di bawah poster tersebut.

Inilah poster yang ramai beredar di jejaring sosial. @dok.pribadi

Sudah cukup lama beredar rumor konser Metallica di jakarta. Apalagi sejak Jokowi menjabat sebagai gubernur DKI. Seperti diketahui memang beliau adalah seorang Metalhead yang panatik sama band-band cadas khususnya Metallica. Banyak yang menduga, dengan kesukaan Jokowi ini, akan mempermudah mendatangkan Metallica ke ke Indonesia untuk kedua kalinya.

James Hetfield dan kawan-kawan sebenarnya sudang menyambangi Stadion Lebak Bulus Jakarta pada tahun 1993 silam. Konser tersebut diingat bukan hanya lantaran Metallica, namun juga karena kerusuhan yang terjadi setelahnya.

Jadi apakah Metallica akan benar-benar kembali membakar Jakarta atau ini hanya sekedar gosip yang dihembus ke publik?. Seperti halnya konser Bruno Mars yang terjadi beberapa saat lalu, yang jelas saat ini belum ada konfirmasi apapun dari pihak promotor Indonesia. [Banjarsari Underground]


27 Juni 2013

Avenged Sevenfold akan merilis album terbarunya 'Hail to the King' pada 27 Agustus 2013 mendatang. Diketahui, album tersebut merupakan karya keenam A7X sejak dimulai debut albumnya di tahun 2001 silam.

Album A7X kembali diproduksi oleh Mike Elizondo, Warner Bros Records. 'Hail to the King' dipastikan memiliki karakter jauh berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Black Sabbath dan Led Zeppelin lah yang mendominasi karakter di album baru milik A7X.

Untuk merayakan lounching album terbarunya ini, dikabarkan A7X akan melakukan konser secara gratis di Hollywood Palladium Los Angeles pada 26 Agustus mendatang.

Seperti diketahui, A7X sendiri sukses menginvasi industri musik dunia lewat penjualan album-albumnya yang mencapai lebih dari 8 juta kopi. Jadi bagi para penggemar A7X tunggu saja lounching albumnya. [Banjarsari Underground]

Debut-A-Thon: Pair That Debut Challenge

Pair That Debut
Welcome to Challenge #2 in a series of four! Today, I'd like you to share what song the book that your reading reminds you of. Just Pair That Debut for your chance to win:
- Your choice of any YA debut e-book.
- Your choice of any album.
All you have to do is to be signed up to the Debut-A-Thon here. You have 24 hours to complete this quick and easy challenge. Just post your song and book in a post on your blog/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook/Goodreads etc. Drop your link in a comment and that's it, you're entered! Also, please remember I'll be contacting the winner through whatever platform you decide to use. If you have a e-mail on your blog/Goodreads etc. I will probably be contacting you through there. I hope everything makes sense. Feel free to contact me if it doesn't.

 I'm currently reading Ink byAmanda Sun and it reminds me of Fine China by Chris Brown. The lyrics basically express how he isn't dangerous and will treat her like she's fine china. This reminds me of Ink because in the book, Tomo has something that could hurt the protagonist Katie. He tells her that he'll protect her and that he won't be a danger to her.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #8: Reading Format

Bloglovin'NetworkedBlogsFeedBurnerGoogle +Google Friend ConnectFacebookTwitterGoodreadsYouTubeMusic Plus BooksParajunkee's ViewAlison Can ReadImage Map
Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
Click here for more info!

Q: Preferred reading format?

I'm planning to do a whole post on this very soon so make sure you follow so that you don't miss it. For now, I'll say that it really all depends. I love hardbacks, but they're expensive. I love paperbacks but like hardbacks, they're heavy. I like e-books but you don't get the full reading experience. I like audiobooks but again, no full reading with paper experience. So as you can see, it really all depends for me.

Don't forget to check out the tag I created called Blogging Things I Suck At where bloggers share what we suck at, just for fun.

I will appreciate you following no matter how you do it. All my links are in my header or in my sidebar. And of course, I will return the favour so don't forget to leave your links in the comment section. I would definitely prefer you check out my other posts and leave a comment there though. My NetworkedBlogs and Facebook still need extra love. Thank you everyone!
Read more to join this blog hop.
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Debut-A-Thon: Progress


The Debut-A-Thon hosted by Books of Amber has well and truly kicked-off. I'm super excited to delve into my reading. Though I have three books I might want to read, my goal is two books since I still have school on Thursday and Friday. I started this read-a-thon on the 37th page of by. All my progress will go up on this post so remember to come back to check my progress. Leave your links in the comments because I'd love to check out your posts as well! Also, remember to enter the challenges that will be hosted on Amber's blog and mine each day.

Books completed so far: 0
Pages read so far: 270
Pages read today: 270
Percentage of current book: Ink - 82%
Books completed so far: 1
Pages read so far: 493
Pages read today: 223
Percentage of current book: Reboot - 42%
Books completed so far: 2
Pages read so far: 485
Pages read today: 262
Percentage of current book: Fighting For Flight - 12%
Books completed so far: 3
Pages read so far: 884
Pages read today: 399
Percentage of current book: -

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Review-A-Thon: Dare You To by Katie McGarry

Dare You To Katie McGarryRyan lowers his lips to my ear. "Dance with me, Beth."
"No." I whisper the reply. I hate him and I hate myself for wanting him to touch me again....
"I dare you..."

If anyone knew the truth about Beth Risk's home life, they'd send her mother to jail and seventeen-year-old Beth who knows where. So she protects her mom at all costs. Until the day her uncle swoops in and forces Beth to choose between her mom's freedom and her own happiness. That's how Beth finds herself living with an aunt who doesn't want her and going to a school that doesn't understand her. At all. Except for the one guy who shouldn't get her, but does....
Ryan Stone is the town golden boy, a popular baseball star jock-with secrets he can't tell anyone. Not even the friends he shares everything with, including the constant dares to do crazy things. The craziest? Asking out the Skater girl who couldn't be less interested in him.
But what begins as a dare becomes an intense attraction neither Ryan nor Beth expected. Suddenly, the boy with the flawless image risks his dreams-and his life-for the girl he loves, and the girl who won't let anyone get too close is daring herself to want it all....

Who else loved Pushing The Limits? After finishing it and declaring it was one of my favourite books ever, I was so excited for the next book. When Dare You To came out I had to jump on it as soon as I could. This series is similar to the Perfect Chemistry series in the sense that each book has different protagonists but the stories are still related. It's also similar to the Stephanie Perkins books. This Young Adult Contemporary Romance is definitely my kind of book. I gave Dare You To a straight up 5 STARS because it was just that amazing. Continue to see why you should read this.
Beth and Ryan are the main protagonists in this story. Beth is seen as the general bad ass. Ryan is seen as the classic jock. But of course, there's a lot more to both of them than that. I loved seeing the roles swapped. For once, the girl's the gangster. Though I loved them, there are characters I hated too. I hated Ryan's controlling dad and I hated the bitch Gwen.
I got hooked into the story right from the start. This is always a good sign and I'm glad the book didn't disappoint. I loved the cliche storyline as well. One of my favourite things aside from the beautiful storyline is the writing. The language made me feel very included. I enjoyed how the writing mimicked the particular feelings. For example, if the characters were drunk, the first person writing reflected that. I also liked the the fact that the swearing wasn't censored, it made the story come to life. I also enjoyed the nicknames the protagonists gave to each other and how they stayed throughout the story. Dare You To also left me giggling. The humour was so cute!
My only con isn't big enough to take away any stars. I hated Gwen. I always hate it when there's that one asshole that is trying to ruin everything. Most of the time they're unnecessary but Gwen played a part in the story which is the only reason I tolerated her.
I love this series so far and can't wait until the next book comes out. I definitely recommend this to everyone and anyone. Also, thank you to Harlequin Teen for sending me a copy of this fantastic book.

Try Audible now and get the Dare You To audiobook FREE

Buy Dare You To on Amazon
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013



Tanggal 25 Juli 2013 kemarin tepat pada perayaan ulang tahun 30 tahun atas rilisan album sang legendaris METALLICA 'Kill 'Em All' sekaligus momentum yang dikeluarkan oleh METALLICA, jadi tidak heran jika album ini yang mengantarkan mereka menjadi sebuah band raksasa dunia.

Judul album dengan cover yang sangat provokatif, 'Kill 'Em All' menjadi tonggak METALLICA. Album ini sendiri adalah album yang terlaris dalam sejarah musik khususnya metal.

Dibalik album ini ada fakta-fakta yang menarik dari nama album, Pencetus yang menciptakan nama tersebut dan hal-hal menarik lainnya. Mari kita simak one by one.


Sebelum dinamai 'Kill 'Em All', tercetus sebuah nama 'Metal Up Your Ass' untuk nama album ini. Mereka tidak memperdulikan dengan masalah nama. Dan mengajukan nama tersebut ke sebuah label perusahaan rekaman, mereka sendiri sudah menyiapkan sebuah artwork untuk album ini.

 Dari pihak label Megaforce tidak menyetujui atas nama dan artwork tersebut, pihak label sendiri memaksa METALLICA untuk menggantinya secara keseluruhan.


Cliff Burton lah yang mengganti nama 'Metal Up Your Ass' menjadi nama abadi 'Kill 'Em All' untuk album METALLICA.

Dimana ide tersebut keluar disaat anggota lain sedang sibuk dan bingung mencari sebuah nama yang tepat untuk album. Sang almarhum mengatakan "kenapa tidak 'Kill 'Em All' saja? dan pada akhirnya nama tersebut disetujui oleh rekan-rekan bandnya dengan sebuah artwork yang begitu ikonik hingga sekarang ini.


Sebelum menggarap untuk album ini, METALLICA membuat keputusan dengan mengeluarkan Dave Mustaine dari band. Alasan mereka mendepak Dave karena dia seorang alkoholik sementara METALLICA sendiri membutuhkan waktu yang cukup untuk latihan yang khusus.

Mereka membelikan tiket bus ke Dave dan menyuruhnya untuk untuk pulang. Sebuah pemecatan yang membuat Dave dendam abadi kepada mereka, yang pada akhirnya Dave memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah band bernama MEGADETH.

Namun di dalam album tersebut ada peninggalan Dave untuk lagu 'Jump In The Fire', 'Phantom Lord', 'Metal Militia' dan 'The Four Horseman'.


Setelah didepaknya Dave Mustaine, METALLICA merekrut Kirk Hammett yang merupakan gitaris untuk band thrash metal lainnya yakni EXODUS. Kirk harus beradaptasi dengan cepat lantaran METALLICA akan segera masuk dapur rekaman.

Namun Kirk harus berhadapan dengan peninggalan Dave Mustaine yang membuat Kirk kelabakan. Dia harus bisa mengikuti lead solo gitar Dave, Kirk sendiri tidak mau mengikuti gaya alur dari Dave. Dia dan rekan-rekan pun sepakat hanya memakai beberapa bar lead solo Dave dan selebihnya di improvisasi sendiri oleh Kirk.

Penggarapan solo gitar ini membuat Dave menjadi iri dengan Kirk. Dave menilai Kirk menjadi terkenal karena memainkan solo gitar yang ditulsinya.


Di beberapa lagu dalam album ini ada yang pernah dibawakan oleh personel band sebelumnya. Mereka mendaur ulang dan memodifikasi lagu tersebut.

'Hit The Lights' sendiri adalah lagu yang dulunya merupakan lagu dari band pertama James Hetfiled, LEATHER CHARM yang juga masuk dalam kompilasi Metal Massacre. Sama halnya untuk lagu 'The Four Horseman' yang ditulis oleh Dave Mustaine untuk band terdahulunya yaitu PANIC.


Single 'Seek and Destroy' adalah lagu andalan untuk di album ini. Sting sang pegulat bebas WCW menggunakan lagu 'Seek and Destroy' sesaat dia memasuki arena gulat. Dan pada akhirnya WCW pun melisensi lagu tersebut.


Kesuksesan di album ini, sangatlah luar biasa, METALLICA mendapatkan 3x sertifikasi Gold Platinum dari RIAA pada tahun 1999 silam. Sampai sekarang pun album tersebut masih diminati oleh setiap orang diseluruh dunia.


Tradisi 'Seek and Destroy' ini dimulai pada tahun 2003 silam sejak merayakan ulang tahun album 'Kill 'Em All' yang ke-20. Dan pastinya di Jakarta nanti akan menutup dari akhir perjumpaan konser METALLICA dengan lagu 'Seek and Destroy'. Lihat saja nanti.


Saay perayaan ulang tahun yang ke-30, METALLICA menghelat sebuah konser akbar yang tidak bakal dilupakan oleh semua fans yang hadir. METALLICA mengadakan reuni besar-besaran semua personel dari era ke era termasuk Dave Mustaine. Dan ini adalah sebuah konser yang begitu bersejarah bagi semua fans METALLICA diseluruh dunia.


Diseluruh dunia die hard METALLICA pastinya mempunyai sepatu ini. Sebuah merek sepatu ternama VANS turut merayakan ulang tahun album 'Kill 'Em All' yang ke-30. Vans sendiri mendesain sepatu seperti layaknya cover album 'Kill 'Em All'. Dan pastinya sepatu ini menjadi top seller yang masih diminati sampai sekarang.
[Banjarsari Underground]

Review-A-Thon: Female President 여자대통령 by Girl's Day

[Album] Girl's Day - Female President [Repackage]

Genres: K-Pop, Dance, Pop
Released: 24 June 2013
Members: Sojin, Minah, Hyeri, Yura
Dream Tea Entertainment

Girl's Day have come back again! I didn't expect a new release so soon after their last release Expectation. Either way, I'm not going to complain because I absolutely love their new single. Female President. It's a part of the repacked Expectation album. The music video is really racy with strip teases and the lot but there isn't actually anything explicit. Despite the super sexual video, the song is actually really catchy.
The song begins with a nice array of synths. It's the perfect beginning. Though some say it's really similar to Little Mix's Wings, I really don't care because I like the way it sounds. The drums and guitar strums in the background are the perfect base the the beautiful vocals. My absolute favourite in this particular song is Minah's extremely powerful voice. In some of Girl's Day's past songs, Minah's voice seemed to forced and strained. Sojin's voice which I can't describe as anything other than 'whispery' was wonderful as well. Lots of the song was 'chant-like' which made Hyeri and Yura's rapping fit in effortlessly.
I don't know if I like the song or the lyrics more. They were both so good. The lyrics express the fact that sometimes the girl has got to make the first move. I think this is a really great message to be sending. My favourite lines translate to:
"You go first and say you love him,
Now is the time, you can start first."
Definitely worth the time. Again, the music video is really hot but if you get offended by anything sexual, maybe just listen to the song without the video. I really love this song though. One of my favourite in a long time. Super powerful vocals, super catchy tune, super meaningful lyrics, super super super! Give it a go!

Buy on iTunes

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Review-A-Thon: Entwined with You by Sylvia Day

Entwined With You Sylvia Day
The worldwide phenomenon continues as Eva and Gideon face the demons of their pasts, and accept the consequences of their obsessive desires…
From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn’t resist. I saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside–so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat.
No one knows how much he risked for me. How much I’d been threatened, or just how dark and desperate the shadow of our pasts would become.
Entwined by our secrets, we tried to defy the odds. We made our own rules and surrendered completely to the exquisite power of possession…

Before anyone judges me, yes this is an 18+ book, yes it's Erotic but no, it's nothing like Fifty Shades of Grey. Okay so, I'll be honest, it's pretty similar to Fifty Shades but there are a lot of differences. I don't want to make this a comparison review so I'll make it clear from the start, Fifty Shades of Grey is nothing compared to the Crossfire series. I thought this was going to be a trilogy but I guess I was wrong because apparently the story hasn't ended just yet. I'm eagerly anticipating the next book. I gave Entwined with You  a 4.4 STARS. As always, don't stop reading just yet. Continue to see my thoughts on the this book and the series as a whole.
Now I love Eva and Gideon. Of course I do. They are seriously super intriguing characters. If you've read any of my previous reviews, you know I love stories where the guy and the girl work out all the messed up lives together. This book is definitely a perfect example. They work out their past and present together. Though of course there are setbacks, it all works out in the end. I also loved Cary, Megumi and Eva's dad. I kind of hated all the other characters but you have to have some evil characters in there somewhere. The only character that really pissed me off was Brett. More on what I think about him later.
This book was really entertaining. I know what you're thinking, but not that entertaining. I loved how even under all the drama, there were still parts where I could giggle. I also enjoyed the minor story lines that went along with the major story lines. This book hooked me in with drama and mystery right from the start. There is so much suspense that builds up throughout the story. Sylvia Day definitely has experienced writing. It fit Eva's point of view and character effortlessly.
So there aren't that many bad parts to this. The only things I hated are things that are completely personal. Firstly, I hated Brett. I hated him so much. His annoying ass character was completely unnecessary. I get that the author was trying to create some kind of love triangle but it doesn't work when Brett is down right annoying. I also hated the ending. Endings need to be perfect for me and Entwined with You had a pretty bad ending. It wasn't a major cliffhanger and it didn't really end.
All in all, it was definitely an enjoyable read. Good writing, good stories, good humor. I can't wait until the next book comes out. This series as a whole is spectacular. It doesn't matter how you felt about Fifty Shades of Grey, it doesn't matter if you haven't even read it, I recommend this series over it.

Try Audible now and get the Entwined with You audiobook FREE

Buy Entwined with You on Amazon
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Debut-A-Thon: Sign Up

Debut-A-Thon is a read-a-thon hosted by Books of Amber to celebrate YA debuts in 2013. All information and sign ups can be found here.

I've been doing a bunch of things ending in a-thon lately but I'm not ready to stop. I find these super fun and they always give me a boost of motivation. This Debut-A-Thon starts right after my Review-A-Thon ends so I'll be heaps busy for a while. I was about 10% of the way through when I found out about this so I stopped reading that and started a different book. I thought I may as well save it for the Debut-A-Thon. Now four days is a pretty short time span and I honestly don't think I'll get that much reading done. My goal is to finish off by, read by and if I somehow I finish those two, I want to also read  by


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Review-A-Thon: Heart Hypnotic by Delta Goodrem

Heart Hypnotic - Single, Delta Goodrem 
Genres: Dance-Pop, Pop, Music
Released: 17 June 2013
℗ 2013 Sony Music Entertainment Australia Pty Ltd.

Delta Goodrem never fails to amaze me. Heart Hypnotic is a new pop song with lots of EDM elements. It's a fresh new dance song that's ready to hit the radios and clubs all over Australia and possible internationally. As a judge/coach on The Voice Australia, Delta Goodrem has released this new single at the perfect time. Fellow judge Ricky Martin also released a new song. My review of his song can be found here. But back to Heart Hypnotic, it is an amazing song with an amazing title.
I love how this song starts slow and then builds up. The piano at the beginning of the song creates a very peaceful atmosphere. Then it becomes a really upbeat dance song. Once the chorus comes around, the song has a really strong bass. The instrumentals are super fun as well. Closer to the end of the song, the tempo slows again. It really accentuates Delta Goodrem's amazing vocals.
Heart Hypnotic was co-written by Ryan Tedder. He's worked with people like Zedd, Far East Movement and Gym Class Heroes which you can see is where some of Electronic Dance Pop has come from. I absolutely love the lyrics in this song. All the fancy symbolism really fits the mood of the song. My favourite lines:
"Dark nights under the setting sun,
Bright lights, come we're the only one."
I'm so glad that after a decade, Delta Goodrem is still making music. Heart Hypnotic definitely beats Sitting on Top of the World and I'll listen to it for a long time. I hope you'll check it out. It only takes a few minutes.

Buy on iTunes

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Review-A-Thon: Vain by Fisher Amelie

If you’re looking for a story about a good, humble girl, who’s been hurt by someone she thought she could trust, only to find out she’s not as vulnerable as she thought she was and discovers an empowering side of herself that falls in love with the guy who helps her find that self, blah, blah, blah...then you’re gonna’ hate my story.
Because mine is not the story you read every time you bend back the cover of the latest trend novel. It’s not the “I can do anything, now that I’ve found you/I’m misunderstood but one day you’ll find me irresistible because of it” tale. Why? Because, if I was being honest with you, I’m a complete witch. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a friend using, drug abusing, sex addict from Los Angeles. I’m every girlfriend’s worst nightmare and every boy’s fantasy.
I’m Sophie Price...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most envied girl to the girl no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
As soon as I read the synopsis of this book, I completely fell in love. I had to read it and I knew I'd enjoy it. For once, the synopsis was the thing that sucked me in. It wasn't the cover and it wasn't because someone else told me that it was good. This is what you call a spectacular synopsis. I gave this book a straight up 5 STARS and it easily went straight into my favourites. I can't wait until the next book in the series comes out. See why I loved Vain.
If you start reading it, you'd think the main character is a complete bitch. I thought that too but for some reason I just couldn't hate her. I loved the character development as she and Dingane worked their problems out together. All the characters had so many different layers that were slowly unveiled. I love how there wasn't that one stupid and annoying character trying to screw up everything. Sometimes I get why the author would put in an annoying character but all it does is pisses me off. They're completely unnecessary and I'm so glad Fisher Amelie didn't put one in.
I always enjoy love stories with a moral and Vain definitely fits that category. It wasn't just love at first sight, it was way more deep. It was so extremely cute at some points and I just couldn't stop giggling. It also left me crying which is always good. I also loved her writing and how she incorporated so many different metaphors to enhance the meaning.
Well the only con is that I don't have anything to write in this section.
Hurry up and read this! Or at least go add it to your to-read list. This book blew my mind away just like I knew it would after I read the synopsis. It received a well-earned 5 STARS in my books.

Try Audible now and get the Vain audiobook FREE

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21 Juni 2013
Scar The Martyr

Sang drummer Slipknot, Joey Jordison mengatakan kepada media bahwa dirinya sedang membentuk sebuah side project baru. Joey mampu memperluas musiknya dengan kerjasama dengan beberapa musisi lainnya.

Joey bergabung bersama vokalis dan co-penulis Henry Derek, Chris Vrenna (yang sebelumnya bermain drum untuk Nine Inch Nails), Jed Simon dan Kris Norris mantan dari band Darkest Hour.

Di side project yang sekarang Joey akan memperpadukan antara rock dan post-punk akan di bawakan dengan rekannya. Di debut album pertamanya Scar The Martyr yang di produksi oleh Rhys Fulber yang sebelumnya telah memproduksi album dari Rob Zombie, Fear Factory dan Mindless Self Indulgence. Kita tunggu single albumnya Joey!penasaran. :D

[Banjarsari Underground]


20 Juni 2013

MOTÖRHEAD. Nama besar satu ini akan merilis album barunya “Aftershock” pada bulan September 2013. Ini merupakan album ke-21 dari biang metal asal Inggris yang awalnya sempat akan dirilis pada pertengahan 2013 namun akhirnya mundur hingga September.

Materi album baru ini sudah dipersiapkan sejak tahun 2012 dan mereka mulai rekaman di studio sejak Februari 2013, mundur sebulan dari rencana semula, yaitu Januari.

Total ada 13 lagu yang masuk di album baru mereka. Namun baru ada 8 lagu yang telah diumumkan judulnya  yaitu "Dust And Glass", "Knife", "Going To Mexico", "Lost Woman Blues", "Death Machine", “Outsider”, “Silence When You Speak To Me” dan "Heartbreaker". MOTÖRHEAD merekam album ini di Maple Sounds Studios di Santa Ana, California, Amerika Serikat bersama produser Cameron Webb.

Tahun ini juga menandai 35 tahun perilisan debut album MOTÖRHEAD “Motorhead” yang dirilis pada September 1977 silam. Tapi tak ada perayaan khusus yang dilakukan Lemmy dkk. Trio legendaris ini lebih antusias dengan ulang tahun ke- 40 berdirinya band mereka yang akan jatuh pada tahun 2015. Meskipun demikian, belum ada rencana detil tentang perayaan tersebut.

Hingga kini MOTÖRHEAD telah merilis sebanyak 20 studio album antara tahun 1977 hingga 2010. Album terakhir yang mereka rilis adalah “The World Is Yours” pada 2010. Album ini terjual sebanyak 7.000 kopi pada minggu pertama rilisnya di Amerika Serikat dan masuk ke posisi 94 Billboard 200.

Berita lainnya, belum lama ini terungkap melalui majalah Classic Rock bahwa Lemmy Kilmister kini menggunakan defibrilator, yaitu alat stimulator detak jantung di dadanya. Ini merupakan alat untuk membantu jantungnya berdetak secara normal karena Lemmy diketahui pernah mengalami masalah dengan jantungnya. [Banjarsari Underground]

Feature and Follow Friday #7: Fave Literary Quote

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Activity: Favourite Literary Quote

I don't think the question could've gotten any harder. How am I meant to answer this? This isn't my absolute favourite but it's one of my favourites. I looked through all the books I've read recently and chose one that I think would have lots of nice quotes. I was actually surprised by how many quotes I take note of in each book. After all, quotes are my thing.

by [Dingane] "Fear, sadness. They're not weaknesses. They are overpowering, defining emotions. They make you human, Sophie."

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Thursday, June 20, 2013


Best Metal Albums of 1983

Jika metalhead yang berhasil mendapatkan suatu pegangan dari mesin waktu. Maka 1983 akan menjadi salah satu tahun dimana Heavy Metal dan Thrash Metal mulai muncul sebagai kekuatan baru yang perlu diperhitungkan.

Para legenda akan terus merilis album baru dan yang lainnya hanya membuat tanda mereka alias kenangan bagi setiap orang. 1983 adalah salah satu tahun terbaik milik Heavy Metal dan Thrash Metal menghasilkan album yang sangat abadi. Banjarsari Underground akan membagi kesepuluh album paling fenomenal di tahun 1983.

Mari kita check!




Speed Metal asal Inggris SATAN memiliki bakat yang sempurna untuk menulis sebuah lagu yang berjudul 'Trial by Fire' dan 'Break Free' dari album terbaik mereka 'Court in the Act' pada tahun 1983 lalu.





Album 'Metal Health' dari band asal Los Angeles QUIET RIOT diabadikan dalam sejarah musik sebagai album Heavy Metal pertama yang mencapai No. 1 di Billboard 200 chart menggeser band POLRI dari posisi pertama untuk lagu 'Bang Your Head (Metal Health)'.





Band asal Los Angeles, California MOTLEY CRUE sukses dalam debut album mereka dengan 'Shout At The Devil'. Ini adalah album yang menempatkan MOTLEY CRUE untuk menjadi salah satu band yang paling terkenal di dunia.





SLAYER membantu menularkan Thrash Metal pada tahun 1983 dengan dorongan sebuah debut album mereka yang berjudul 'Show No Mercy'. 'Show No Mercy' masih tegak menantang meski telah dimakan waktu untuk menjadi salah satu album terbaik milik SLAYER dan untuk tahun 1983.





Heavy Metal asal Denmark MERCYFUL FATE mengambil hal-hal yang baru dengan debut album mereka 'Melissa'. Dengan bertemakan setan menjadi lebih dan lebih umum untuk kelompok Heavy Metal dan Thrash Metal. 'Curse of the Pharoahs' dan 'Into the Coven' adalah lagu yang terbaik milik MERCYFUL FATE.





'Pyromania' adalah album aptly mengingat dunia menyala dan terbakar kembali pada tahun 1983. Album klasik membuat empat hit single dan telah disertifikasi 10x Platinum oleh RIAA. Hit seperti 'Photograph'. 'Rock of Ages', 'Too Late for love', dan 'Foolin'. Memiliki band seperti DEF LEPPARD memang tidak bisa dipungkiri, kepekaan pop dengan kait melodi. DEF LEPPARD mampu menjembatani kesenjangan antara rocker dengan penggemar musik kasual.





Judul lagu membuka awal Jake E. Lee di era OZZY OSBOURNE dengan riff yang bisa mengejutkan siapapun dalam radius 10 kilometer. Setelah kematian tragis Randy Rhoads, Lee harus mengisi tempat kekosongan terbesar dalam sejarah Metal. Hit untuk album 'Bark at the Moon' tidak mengendur sampai sekarang pun seperti 'Centre of Eternity' dan 'Waiting for Darkness'





Kepergian Clive Burr dari IRON MAIDEN membuat penggemar menjadi sangat khawatir. Tapi pembuka 'Where Eagles Dare' telah mengubur atas keraguan oleh sang drumer barunya Nicko McBrain. Legenda Inggris ini beruntun terus-menerus menciptakan sebuah album. 'Piece of Mind' lah yang menjadi album terbaik sepanjang sejarang musik Heavy Metal maupun Thrash Metal.





Setelah hengkangnya dari BLACK SABBATH, DIO memutuskan untuk membuat band sendiri dan sukses membuat sebuah album yang fantastis yakni 'Holy Diver'. Album ini  dianggap sebuah album terbaik milik DIO, dan beberapa berpendapat bahwa album ini adalah album terbaik sepanjang karirnya. Sama-sama luar biasa dalam menciptakan sebuah album di RAINBOW maupun di BLACK SABBATH.





Pada tahun 1983, METALLICA menjadi salah satu band Thrash Metal pertama yang merilis sebuah album full-length. Denagn Kirk Hammett bergabung dengan band sebelum rekaman disc (menggantikan Dave Mustaine, yang ikut menulis empat lagu dalam album 'Kill 'Em All'). METALLICA melampiaskan kemarahannya kepada musik metal dengan lagu-lagu seperti 'The Four Horsemen', 'Phantom Lord' dan 'Seek and Destroy' masih mendominasi dalam deretan musik metal sekarang. Lagu special selalu tampil di saat METALLICA menghelat konsernya dan suatu tanda bukti kekuatan abadi dari 'Kill 'Em All'.

[Banjarsari Underground]