Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Review: Kill Bill by Brown Eyed Girls

Genres: K-Pop, Pop, R&B, Dance-Pop
Released: 29 July 2013
Members: JeA, Miryo, Narsha, Ga-In
Nega Network

My blog has been crazy busy with a crapload of posts this month. I'm sorry but here's another one! I'll try to calm down a bit in the future but I just had to get this review up. Brown Eyed Girls is a much respected band that I love too. Even though I'm not a major fan, I do really appreciate their work. If you've never heard of them, Brown Eyed Girls is the band that Ga-In is apart of. Ga-In was the chick in Gentleman by PSY. The other day, one of my most awesome friends asked me if I'd heard their new song. That day, I went home, listened to it and loved it!
The beginning is like WOW! I swear, you have to listen to it for yourself because I don't even know what to call it. It's like a whistle mixed with synths. The same friend I mentioned above also said that she liked Brown Eyed Girls because they can actually sing. I completely agree. Even though they all look super good and can dance well, they don't rely on it because they can already sing amazingly. One of my favourite elements in the song is the rapping near the end. I could replay that part a million times.
I've seen people say that the lyrics correspond to the actual movie! I can't be sure because I haven't watched it but I can be sure that it's not your usual pop song. Lyrics can be found here. My favourite part would translate to:
"Run, run away till you run out of breath
Everything is the price of what you did to me
Look at yourself,
you feel like going crazy, right?"Summary:
This song is addictive. I could listen to this non-stop because that's how much I loved it. I definitely recommend it. Check out the music video as well because it has a really cool story line. It'll only take 7 minutes. If that's too much just listen to the song! It's spectacularly fabulous.

Buy on iTunes

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Review: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Unearthly (Unearthly, #1)In the beginning, there's a boy standing in the trees . . . .
Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn't easy.
Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place and out of place at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?

I read Unearthly for the Radical Read-Along that I hosted with Kyrstianna and Jenna. It’s a Young Adult novel about angels. I haven’t read many books like this one. In fact, I think it might be the first real angel book I've read. I could be wrong but I’m too lazy to check. Unearthly is Cynthia Hand’s debut novel that came out quite a while ago. I don’t know why I didn't read it sooner but I’m definitely glad I did. I loved this book and gave it straight up 5 STARS.  Maybe it was the fun of reading it with others but I really couldn't find any real problems with the book.
The characters are definitely one of my favourite things about this book. The protagonist, Clara was a pretty cool character. Even though she was part angel, she still had all those classic but relatable teenage attributes. The book is also composed of a love Triangle between Tucker and Christian. Tucker is awesome! He’s fun and super likable whereas even though Christian is really hot, he’s really plain. Clara’s mum and brother as well as her two friends Wendy and Angela are all nice additions to the story.
Continuing on about the characters, they all had very realistic personalities. They were all mysterious with heaps of layers to unfold. Even now, there’s so much more I need to learn about them. The book was written in a super fast pace that was easy to follow and easy to enjoy. Even though some might say the story isn't original, I think otherwise. So many bombshells were dropped that I didn't even see coming. I love it when books have the element of surprise because not many can do that for me anymore. Without spoilers, the ending was spectacular. It’s one of those perfect ones where everything works out but there are still mysteries left to be solved in the next book.
Hm, cons. I don’t think I really have any. Sometimes the characters got annoying but they never got SUPER annoying and in the end, it all worked out.
Finally, it's clear that I love this book. I'm about to go to add this to my favourites list on Goodreads now. I recommend this to all Young Adult lovers even if you think you might now like angel novels. I'm super pumped to read the second book.

Buy Unearthly on Amazon
Buy Unearthly on the Book Depository
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Radical Read-Along: Day 5 Discussion

Music Plus Books
So it's the last day with the last chapters and I'm so sad! I had a wonderful experience with this Read-Along and I'm glad I could discuss with all you lovely people.

In the last few chapters of Unearthly, lot’s of bombshells were dropped. I really liked it when Clara decided to go save Tucker first. I was having a major swoon moment because I’m Team Tucker for life. About a page or two before it actually happened, I realised that Christian was an angel too. I had a face palm moment because I have no idea how I didn't notice earlier! Then when they came and Clara’s like “Show yourself!” and I’m just like OMG IT'S TRUE! Know, I just need to know what happens between them. I swear, it's such a coincidence that so many angels live in the one place. I actually really liked how it all ended. I kind of don’t want to read the next book because I liked it so much. The problem is that there’s so many mysteries left unsolved. I only like the ending because she’s with Tucker and I don’t want that to change. I might go find spoilers to make sure she ends up with Tucker before I read the next book.

Today, for the final challenge, head on over to Rather Be Reading YA for the Review challenge. All you have to do is write a review and you have a chance (a big chance) to win your very own e-copy of Hallowed. My review will be going up as soon as possible. Hopefully tomorrow! Also, I've extended the time for the Cover Remake & Dream Cast challenges which means you still have time to enter them!
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Review: The Sweetest Hallelujah by Elaine Hussey

The Sweetest HallelujahAn unforgettable story of two courageous women brought together by one extraordinary little girl.
Betty Jewel Hughes was once the hottest black jazz singer in Memphis. But when she finds herself pregnant and alone, she gives up her dream of being a star to raise her beautiful daughter, Billie, in Shakerag, Mississippi. Now, ten years later, in 1955, Betty Jewel is dying of cancer and looking for someone to care for Billie when she's gone. With no one she can count on, Betty Jewel does the unthinkable: she takes out a want ad seeking a loving mother for her daughter.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, recently widowed Cassie Malone is an outspoken housewife insulated by her wealth and privileged white society. Working part-time at a newspaper, she is drawn to Betty Jewel through her mysterious ad. With racial tension in the South brewing, the women forge a bond as deep as it is forbidden. But neither woman could have imagined the gifts they would find in each other, and in the sweet young girl they both love with all their hearts. Deeply moving and richly evocative, The Sweetest Hallelujah is a remarkable tale about finding hope in a time of turmoil, and about the transcendent and transformative power of friendship.

The Sweetest Hallelujah is meant to be similar to The Help. Because I'm a really bad person, I haven't read the book or even watched the movie. I really want to one day though! I know the basic premise and I agree that fans of The Help would definitely enjoy this book. Unfortunately, I can't say that I liked it. It's not that I found a million things wrong with this book, it's just that one of the defining factors was lacking. I'd give this book a 3 STAR or 3.5 STAR rating. What else? This book comes out today! YAY!
I feel really bad dissing the characters but there was nothing to relate to. I mean obviously I'm not like most girls in YA books either but I actually understand how they feel. This is not the writer's fault and it's just because it's aimed at a higher age group but I just couldn't. Overall though, I did like the characters. The book is set a long ago, most likely during the Civil Rights movement, which means that of course there's the separation between the 'black' and 'white' people. Billie is the little girl in the story and I liked seeing the story from her point of view. I also liked Cassie, Betty Jewel and Queen who were the main adults in the story.
Without spoiling too much, the novel itself is very heartfelt. The third person writing really exemplifies the characters. I've read too many books that have shifting points of views that are in first person. Though I do enjoy those, I think the third person sounds a lot more professional. The story is quite unique but again, it has a similar premise to The Help. I did like the ending a lot though. It's predictable but still just as beautiful.
Here comes that bad things. Okay well, I found this book extremely, uncaptivating. I know that's no a word but I don't want to use the word boring. For the first half, I had to read each page like twice because I had trouble comprehending it. Afterwards, I kind of just skim read the whole thing because it wasn't intriguing. It was interesting but not intriguing. That's the major fault for me.
In the end, I think that one of the only reasons why I didn't like this book is because of my age. I definitely recommend this to the older readers out there because you'd like it better. Also, if you liked The Help,  I can see you enjoying The Sweetest Hallelujah as well.
Favourite Quote:
"Betty Jewel wondered if miracles are not prayers answered but the answer to prayers you didn't even know you should pray."

Buy The Sweetest Hallelujah on Amazon
Buy The Sweetest Hallelujah on the Book Depository
Buy The Sweetest Hallelujah Audiobook on the Book Depository
Buy The Sweetest Hallelujah Audiobook on Audible
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Monday, July 29, 2013


29 Juli 2013

Sebuah tindakan lanjutan dari 2011 silam untuk album 'The Path of Totality'. Kini KORN seperti dilansir NME, KORN telah meluncurkan sebuah artwork dan tracklist penuh untuk album ke-11 mereka 'The Paradigm Shift' yang bakal keluar pada bulan September mendatang. Di album ini sendiri berisikan 11 lagu dan 2 lagu diantaranya untuk edisi deluxe, band dikonfirmasi melalui Revolver.

Album baru ini akan diproduksi oleh Don Gilmore, dimana Don telah memproduksi album band lainnya seperti 'Hybrid Theory' dan 'Meteora' (Linkin Park), 'Fever' dan 'Temper Temper' (Bullet For My Valentine). Album ini sendiri akan dirilis di Inggris pada bulan September 2013 dan keluar di Amerika sehari kemudian.

@banjarsari underground: KORN 'THE PARADIGM SHIFT'

  1. Prey for Me
  2. Love & Meth
  3. What We Do
  4. Spike in My Veins
  5. Mass Hysteria
  6. Paranoid and Aroused
  7. Never Never
  8. Punishment Time
  9. Lullaby for a Sadist
  10. Victimized
  11. It's All Wrong


  12. Wish I Wasn't Born Today
  13. Tell Me What You Want
[Banjarsari Underground]

Radical Read-Along: Day 4 Discussion

Music Plus Books
So close to the end now. Today is the last day of reading! Yesterday I read Chapter 14-18 and today will be for 19-22 and then we're done! OMG! Tomorrow, I'll be posting both the Day 5 Discussion the the final review.

These five chapters were probably my absolute favourite so far. I have yet to see the last four but I'm hoping it has a nice ending. I've made it pretty clear that I am Team Tucker for life so of course I adored yesterday's chapters. So much happened between them. First, they started getting closer because of her birthday. Then when they kissed I was like OMG SWOOON. I swear it was so so cute that I couldn't take it. But then, it ended because she went into glory mode and I was so sad. But then, she told him and it was all okay again. It was so sweet how Tucker took it. It was all going well until Christian called and then like what the hell, Clara's mum tells her to break it off with Tucker?! AND THEN they actually break up?! I was super extremely devastated. I mean I know all good things must come to an end, but why?! Also, Angela came back and started talking about the Black Wings and all. There's something definitely really fishy going on with her. In these chapters, my favourite quote/scene was:
"Is it okay to kiss you?" he asks.
"I won't get struck by lightning?"
I laugh. Then lean in to brush my lips against his. His hands on my waist tighten.
"No lightning," I say

Today's challenge should be hosted on Paperback Princess. Honestly though, I'm not sure. Angelica hasn't replied to my email and she hasn't been participating in the discussion so I really don't think she'll be hosting it. Check out her blog and check for it anyway. If not, just for fun, you can do the Acrostic Poem challenge. That was what she was going to host if she didn't.

Also, please vote for which comment system you like best! The poll can be found in the sidebar.
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Bout Of Books 8.0: Sign Up

Bout of BooksThe Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19th and runs through Sunday, August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
- From the Bout of Books team

Hey everyone, I know my blog has been super busy lately but I just wanted to get this post up as soon as possible to declare that I will be joining the upcoming Bout of Books read-a-thon. It's a bit to soon to know exactly what I want to read so I'm not going to include my goals in this post. Look forward to that post later! Again I'm not sure yet but I might combine my goals post and my progress posts. I am really excited though and I'm getting pumped for all these read-a-thons.

Also, just while I'm here, I just wanted to ask you a favor. I would really appreciate it if you vote for which comment system you like the best. The poll can be found in the side bar. Thank you!

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Music Of July 2013!

This month in music, I've found quite a few songs that I like. It's easy to say that some songs definitely stand out more than others. Some of my absolute favourite this month include Burn and Hurricane. As always, I definitely recommend checking out all of these songs. I'm really disappointed by the amount of reviews I've done though. I hope to improve next month. If there are any songs that I should listen too, drop them in the comments. Today, because I'm super lazy, I'm ordering songs randomly because I can't be bothered to make them alphabetical.

Xiah Junsu - Incredible
New To My Playlist:
Ooh La La - Britney Spears
Falling In Love - 2NE1
11am - Xiah Junsu
Incredible - Xiah Junsu
Burn - Ellie Goulding
Made In The USA - Demi Lovato
Shadow - BEAST
Take Back The Night - Justin Timberlake
Me & My Girls - Fifth Harmony
I Like 2 Party - Jay Park
Hurricane - B.A.P
Acapella - Karmin
NoNoNo - Ailee
Counting Stars - One Republic
Baby I - Ariana Grande
Best Song Ever - One Direction
Go To War For Ya - Chris Brown
Rum Pum Pum Pum - f(x)
Unbreakable - Kim Hyun Joong
Kill Bill - Brown Eyed Girls

Songs I've Done Reviews Of:
Kill Bill
Baby I
Me & My Girls

Sit Tight Sundays:
City of Bones Soundtrack
Shadow by BEAST
Baby I by Ariana Grande
Illusion by ZE:A

Buy K-Pop at Yesasia!
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Day 3 Discussion

Music Plus Books
It's getting closer and closer to the end! Yesterday Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 were read and today I'm here with the discussion post. Remember to read chapters 14-18 today!

Chapter 10 starts off with Wendy and Clara making up. I don't know, I just really think that deep down she's some evil ass. She's probably actually really nice, she just seem TOO nice to me. When Kay broke up with Christian I was laughing so hard because Kay took it so badly. How she rubbed up against Jeffrey and Clara's just like "Wow. Original. Now get off my brother, please." I almost felt bad for Kay, ALMOST. At the end of this chapter, she has another flying lesson. I wonder if she'll ever get there. I felt so bad for her though *frowns*. Then after that, when Clara, Angela, Wendy and Clara's mum were shopping and they bumped into the Black Wing. I was so worried about what was going to happen to them! When Clara built up her courage and asked Christian to prom, I was really proud of her. Except, I don't want her to be Christian! I want her to be with Tucker! Waaaahh. I was kind of glad when Tucker drove her home but I feel like he could have tried harder to win her heart. During the prom, Clara also mentioned going hiking. Maybe it's a connection to forest fire in her visions? Then Clara and Christian started hanging out more and I mean I'm not against them or anything I just really wish Tucker would try harder. It was nice how she finally learned to fly though. I was so proud of her!

Today's challenge can be found on  Oops! I Read A Book Again where all you have to do is let Dianne know which team your on for your chance to win an e-copy of Hallowed, the second book in the series. I think it's pretty safe to say, and pretty obvious that I'm 100% Team Tucker!
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sit Tight Sunday #4: Illusion by ZE:A

Sit Tight Sunday is a weekly feature on my blog for me to showcase upcoming music. The original post can be found here.

Illusion by ZE:A
Genres: Pop, Dance, K-Pop
Released: 9 August 2013
Members: Kevin. Kwanghee. Siwan. Junyoung. Taeheon. Heechul. Minwoo. Hyungsik. Dongjun.
Star Empire Entertainment

ZE:A aren't an extremely popular band and the only member anyone seems to know is Kwanghee. Honestly, I'm not a massive fan of them either but that doesn't mean that I'm not highly anticipating their album. Coming out next month is their new album Illusion. So far, all the teaser photos that have been released have a really cool concept. I'm waiting to see the teaser of their title track of course the album itself. ZE:A have been releasing songs for their subunits and now finally, their coming back with all nine members!

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Books, Brains ‘n Blood Read-A-Thon: Sign Up + Goals

Books, Brains 'n Blood Read-a-Thon
My Shelf Confessions is having a month long event celebrating all things Zombie and Vampire! All info here.

I've been devouring read-a-thons lately. They're just so much fun and I can't help but do them. This time, I'm doing the Books, Brains ‘n Blood Read-A-Thon which is a part of the one month event Vamps vs Zombies. The read-a-thon runs from August 2 – 6th. I will also be hosting a challenge on the 4 – 10th which I'm super excited about. This is my sign up post just to let you know that I'll be joining. I'll also tell you what books I really want to read. Okay so now to the books. To fit the Vamps vs. Zombies theme, I want to read 2 vampire themed books and 1 zombie themed book.

At the end, I'll choose which type I prefer because after all, this is Vamps vs. Zombies. It'd probably be unfair if I do end up only reading one zombie book but oh well. May the best man, ahem, book type, win.

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Radical Read-Along: Day 2 Discussion

Music Plus Books
After reading up to Chapter 9, I'm just loving the book more and more. Today is Day 3 which means that here is my discussion for what I read on Day 2! Today the Chapters 10-13 will be read! Remember to not read this if you haven't read Unearthly yet.

Chapter 5 started with the roots of the Romance. It's funny to see how big of a crush Clara has on Christian even though he's her purpose. What is that all about anyway? I'm so curious to see what her actual purpose will be! I mean, it can't really be for her to become his girlfriend. I've been loving Clara's mum and brother as well. Her mum is like the coolest person ever! And even though it'll probably turn out bad, I like to see Clara's brother rebelling. In these chapters, we also found out all the stuff about Angela. I just knew that there was something going on! It wasn't too big of a surprise though and I think that there's more bombshells to be dropped. One of the funniest scenes was when she was horse riding and how she whispered in Angelic to the horse. Like OMG I wish I could speak every language including Angelic. I don't know who most people would prefer but I'm routing for Tucker against Christian. I just, I don't know, I like Tucker better. At the end of Chapter 9, there's that big show down between Wendy and Clara. I don't know how I feel about it because even though Clara was being kind of mean for hanging out with Angela so much, I still don't really care how Wendy feels. Wendy just doesn't seem right to me. Nek minnit I'm completely wrong and she's actually really good but oh well.

Okay well that was a long paragraph! Phew! Don't forget to link up your discussion posts as well because those five chapters were definitely jam packed with story. Also, today, don't forget to head on over to Downright Dystopian for the Dream Cast challenge.
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Stacking The Shelves #2: Pivot Point + Thy Will Be Done

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted on Tynga's Reviews. Basically you share what books you acquired that week whether it be physical or digital. All info here.

Last week, I had a massive book haul to show but like I said, that means I probably wouldn't have much anymore. I haven't had time to go to the library this week so if I do, tomorrow or in the following days, I'll include those books in my next Stacking The Shelves. Honestly though, my reading list has grown extensively and I'll have way too much to read for a long time. So today, I have a very little haul for you guys. Just two books. One I received for review and one I got the e-book for because I couldn't find it on my library's catalog. The e-book I downloaded was Pivot Point and it's for the Book BFFs group. I'm super excited!

For Review
Thy Will Be Done
by Julie Fisher

Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)

Pivot Point 
by Kasie West
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Friday, July 26, 2013

Radical Read-Along: Day 1 Discussion

Music Plus Books
Hey guys! Yay for the first discussion post. So yesterday, to kick start the Unearthly Radical Read-Along, I read 4 chapters. So today, along with everyone else, I'll be discussing! Today will be for Chapters 5-9. Of course, this post will be comprised of spoilers.

As soon as I started reading, I knew I would love it. I love the subtle way that Cynthia Hand introduced the world. I love the concept and how even though Clara is an angel, she still has the normal teenage girl characteristics. Does anyone else think the chapter names are awesome? I always like it when the chapters are more than just 'Chapter One'. I can't wait to get deeper into the story because right now, there are so many characters being introduced. I've labeled Kay the jealous b*tch, Angela the 'weird but going to be a big part of the story girl' and Christian the main guy of course. Then there's Wendy and I don't know how to feel about her. I just feel like there's something fishy about her but I could be wrong. The back in time flashback thing in Chapter 4 was a really cool way to give background to the story. My favourite quote/scene was:
“And when was this?”
“It was April,” she said. “1906.”
 I felt like I was going to throw up. “That would make you what, a hundred and ten?”
“A hundred and sixteen, this year.”
I just though of Twilight and cracked up so much! Haha, okay, now it's your turn to tell me what you though of the first four chapters.

But before that, today I'm hosting a challenge where you could win your own e-copy of Hallowed, the next in the series! All you have to do is remake the cover of Unearthly. It doesn't have to be anything special, just something simple is fine. After all, it's just for fun! You can add it to your discussion post or you can make a separate one if you'd like.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Please leave a comment, follow, and +1. Thank you for supporting my blog.


26 Juli 2013

Pentolan PUDDLE OF MUDD Wes Scantlin ditangkap oleh pihak kepolisian atas tuduhan perusakan properti tetangganya di Los Angeles dengan menggunakan sebelah palu logam pada tanggal 24 Juli 2013 kemarin.

TMZ melaporkan bahwa Scantlin 41 tahun ditangkap karena merusak properti teras tetangganya dengan menggunakan palu logam dan sebilah gergaji, dia juga merusak dari dinding rumah menggunakan sebilah palu logam yang mengakibatkan kerusakan tingkat dua. Dia ditangkap atas tuduhan kejahatan vandalism ketika polisi tiba dilokasi.

Penangkapan Scantlin adalah yang terbaru dalam serangkaian kasus hukum yang melanda band rock selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Di musim panas 2012, Scantlin mengaku bersalah atas kepemilikan kokain yang mengakibatkan menuju ke program konseling narkoba.  Kemudian sesaat setelah itu, ia ditangkap karena keracunan publik di pesawat terbang, tetapi dibebaskan atas tuduhan tersebut.

Pada bulan mei Scantlin dituduh atas penyerangan kepada mantan istrinya yang menyebabkan harus berurusan dengan pihak berwajib dan yang ter-update kini ia harus berurusan lagi dengan pihak kepolisian atas tuduhan vandalism properti milik tetangganya sendiri. Apakah yang akan dilakukan Scantlin selanjutnya? [Banjarsari Underground]

Top 100 Songs Lyric And Chord 2013

Here Is Top 100 Songs Lyric And Chord, You can read and save to your media storage for free.

No.Singer / BandStatusLink
1.Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. + Pharrell - Blurred LineshotDownload
2. Daft Punk Featuring Pharrell Williams - Get LuckytetapDownload
3.Imagine Dragons - RadioactiveturunDownload
4.Florida Georgia Line Featuring Nelly - CruisetetapDownload
5.Miley Cyrus - We Can't StopnaikDownload
6.Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Ray Dalton - Can't Hold UsturunDownload
7.Justin Timberlake - MirrorsnaikDownload
8.Bruno Mars - TreasurenaikDownload
9.Selena Gomez - Come & Get IttetapDownload
10.P!nk Featuring Nate Ruess - Just Give Me A ReasonnaikDownload
11.Ariana Grande Featuring Mac Miller - The Wayturun-
12.Icona Pop Featuring Charli XCX - I Love Ithot-
13.Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)turun-
14.Zedd Featuring Foxes - Clarityturun-
15.Blake Shelton Featuring Pistol Annies & Friends - Boys 'Round Hereturun-
16.Mariah Carey Featuring Miguel - #Beautifulnaik-
17.Anna Kendrick - Cups (Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone)turun-
18.Rihanna Featuring Mikky Ekko - Stayhot-
19.Hunter Hayes - I Want Crazynaik-
20.Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Mannaik-
21.Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz - Thrift Shopnaik-
22.Maroon 5 - Love Somebodyturun-
23.J. Cole Featuring Miguel - Power Triptetap-
24.Calvin Harris Featuring Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Loveturun-
25.Jason Derulo - The Other Sidenaik-
26.Darius Rucker - Wagon Wheelnaik-
27.Wale Featuring Tiara Thomas Or Rihanna - Badturun-
28.Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Mary - Same Loveturun-
29.Avril Lavigne - Here's To Never Growing Upnaik-
30.Luke Bryan - Crash My Partyturun-
31.Pitbull Featuring Christina Aguilera - Feel This Momenttetap-
32.OneRepublic - Counting Starsturun-
33.Rocko Featuring Future & Rick Ross - U.O.E.N.O.turun-
34.Demi Lovato - Heart Attackturun-
35.Tim McGraw With Taylor Swift - Highway Don't Careturun-
36.Phillip Phillips - Gone, Gone, Goneturun-
37.DJ Khaled Featuring Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne - No New Friends (SFTB Remix)turun-
38.Ciara - Body Partyturun-
39.AWOLNATION - Sailturun-
40.Lil Wayne Featuring 2 Chainz - Rich As F**knaik-
41Taylor Swift - 22turun-
42Kendrick Lamar - Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibeturun-
43Capital Cities - Safe And Soundturun-
44.Randy Houser - Runnin' Outta Moonlighttetap-
45.Drake - Started From The Bottomnaik-
46.The Lumineers - Ho Heytetap-
47.Jake Owen - Anywhere With Younaik-
48.Justin Timberlake Featuring Jay Z - Suit & Tienaik-
49.Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble.turun-
50.Brad Paisley - Beat This Summerturun-
51.Emeli Sande - Next To Mehot-
52. See You Again - Carrie Underwoodnaik-
53.Lego House - Ed Sheerannaik-
54.Don't Ya - Brett Eldredgetetap-
55.DONE. - The Band Perryturun-
56.New Slaves - Kanye Westnaik-
57.Tapout - Rich Gang Featuring Lil Wayne, Birdman, Future, Mack Maine, Nicki Minajnaik-
58.Beat It - Sean Kingston Featuring Chris Brown & Wiz Khalifanaik-
59.Crazy Kids - Ke$ha Featuring Or Juicy Jtetap-
60.Kip Moore - Hey Pretty Girltetap-
61.#thatPOWER - Featuring Justin Bieberhot-
62.Chris Brown - Fine Chinatetap-
63.Tyler Farr - Redneck Crazyturun-
64.Harlem Shake - Baauertetap-
65.Jump Right In - Zac Brown Bandnaik-
66.All Over The Road - Easton Corbinnaik-
67.Demons - Imagine Dragonsturun-
68.Little Bit Of Everything - Keith Urbanturun-
69.Black Skinhead - Kanye Westnaik-
70.We Still In This B**** - B.o.B Featuring T.I. & Juicy Jnaik-
71.We Own It (Fast & Furious) - 2 Chainz & Wiz Khalifanaik-
72.Bugatti - Ace Hood Featuring Future & Rick Rosstetap-
73.People Like Us - Kelly Clarksonturun-
74.Crooked Smile - J. Cole Featuring TLCtetap-
75.Born To Fly - Danielle Bradberyturun-
76.Round Here - Florida Georgia Linetetap-
77.Paper Doll - John Mayerhot-
78.Danny's Song - The Swon Brothersnaik-
79.PSY - Gentlemantetap-
80.Lady Antebellum - Downtowntetap-
81.More Than Miles - Brantley Gilberttetap-
82.Krewella - Aliveturun-
83.Hey Girl - Billy Curringtonnaik-
84.High School - Nicki Minaj Featuring Lil Waynetetap-
85.Ooh La La - Britney Spearstetap-
86.Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Reyturun-
87.How Many Drinks? - Miguelturun-
88.What About Love - Austin Mahoneturun-
89.Point At You - Justin Mooreturun-
90.Rihanna Featuring David Guetta - Right Nowturun-
91Blood On The Leaves - Kanye Westtetap-
92Why - Michelle Chamuelnaik-
93Maybe It Was Memphis - Danielle Bradberyturun-
94.It Goes Like This - Thomas Rhettturun-
95.Bubble Butt - Major Lazer Featuring Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mysticnaik-
96.Wild For The Night - A$AP Rocky Featuring Skrillextetap-
97.Ain't Worried About Nothin - French Montananaik-
98.Usher & Michelle Chamuel - Onenaik-
99.The Swon Brothers - I Can't Tell You Whyturun-
100.Sara Bareilles - Braveturun-

* Update 14 Juli 2013